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LyoSphere AccurSTART U+

One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit

Product Details

The LyoSphere AccurSTART U+ One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit is a glycerol-free, lyophilized, shelf-stable, probe-based multiplex assay kit. It provides high-performance capabilities for reliable RNA detection while maintaining the amplification efficiency and specificity of its liquid counterparts.

Highlighted Features:

  • Easy and quick rehydration process

  • Versatile format options (available in vials, 8-strip tubes, or 96-well plates)

  • Shelf-stable at room temperature for up to 1 year before rehydration

  • No need for cold chain shipping

  • Optimized mix contains dUTP/UDG to prevent carryover contamination

  • Optimized mix contains RNase inhibitor to protect RNA integrity

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